Gunner  Stan  McCosker

 His Great War

(Page under development)

A World War One Ghost Story
by Anne McCosker




Stan McCosker

2nd October 1917

He disembarked in Glasgow on his 19th birthday





Stan in training

November 1917

Salisbury Plain

He left for the Western Front from Warminster
with the 2nd Field Artillery Brigade
Later he joined the 102nd Howitzer Battery














These images of Western Front howitzer batteries in 1917 and 1918 are taken from

Leon Wolff's book  In Flander's Fields,  published in 1958.  

They are in the collection of the Imperial War Museum, London.

Stan McCosker bought this  book in 1960.  Clearly, the photographs evoked strong memories for him of life in the 102nd.

He has indicated this and written "memories" on all of them.


Stan and comrade convalescing, Exeter, 1918









Stan and comrade "convalescing", Crediton, 1918




Peace Day.  Victory Demonstration Queen St, Brisbane, Queensland, 11th November, 1918.

Post card sent to Stan by his 17 year old brother Lionel, the day after.





Qld 35536  Gunner Stanley McCosker, 102 Battery, Australian Field Artillery

Discharge Certificate  24th April, 1919